Direct Deduction Supplemental Guide

Direct Deduction Information

You may utilize Direct Deduction to pay tuition and mandatory fees for University of Chicago College and Laboratory students not supported by tuition remission, as this payment option is available to employees whose payroll is processed by the University of Chicago.

The Direct Deduction Online Form is open for enrollment after the first statement of the academic year.

Given the below sample bill, here is how to calculate your Annual Amount Due Deduction Requested:

  1. Determine your Quarterly Amount Due: Total Amount Due listed below (Example: $4,897.33) + Class Deposit (Example:$500.00) = $5,397.33
  2. Determine your Annual Amount Due: Quarterly Amount Due (Example = $5,397.33) X 3 minus Class Deposit (Example: $500) = $15,691.99
  3. Determine your Annual Amount Due Deduction Requested. Select the nearest amount greater than your Annual Amount Due from the table provided = $15,750.00

Please complete a form for each of your students, as the amounts may differ.
Once the form is submitted, it will be reviewed and confirmed via the Service Now Request.