Financial Wellness
Explore Financial Wellness
- CashCourse
Register for CashCourse, a free online resource that offers endless resources such as a budget wizard, financial calculator, and remote classes to answer your money questions and give you the foundation you need to control your financial future.
- Emergency Assistance
Learn about special programs to assist beyond your education expenses when personal emergencies occur.
- Insurance Options for Students
Insurance is a budgeting and planning tool that assists in managing unexpected expenses during one's academic career. We recommend that you review and consider the following insurance options during your enrollment.
- Phoenix cASH Information
Learn about Phoenix cASH: The UChicago currency that allows students to use their University ID’s like a debit card at participating locations on and off campus.
- Local Banking Information
The Office of the Bursar highly recommends you have access to a domestic bank account to receive electronic disbursements from our office as an enrolled student.
- Student Loan Repayment and Servicing
Find how you can acquire loan repayment information and also repayment options.